Mess Reducing, Stress Releasing Lists

Like many others in this information era I use a tablet for a wide variety of tasks. The one tablet/smartphone tailored task for which I stubbornly rely on pen, paper and clipboards are making lists. In a long ago post I revealed my penchant for all kinds of lists on clipboards. The one most important for reducing mess in my life, and hence stress, is the monthly to do list.

Just before the start of a new month I list the tasks I want to accomplish in a left hand column. I might add new tasks to the list as the month progresses while crossing off the ones achieved. I put an X mark by a task that is no longer feasible for that month. In a right hand column I make smaller lists for ongoing tasks that I know will take months. One to be covered in more detail soon is my Unenlightened Wisdom project.

Jotting down tasks unclutters my mind, freeing up space for more focused endeavors. Uncluttering the mind is yet another strategy for preserving brain health. I continue with the old fashioned way of pen and paper because there is something more gratifying, more mess reducing and stress releasing, in the physical act of crossing out a line item on the list.

UPDATE: My previous entry revealed my help wanted call for more coverage. It appears now for July and beyond I will have reliable Tuesday and Thursday morning coverage. Yay! I am still looking for a housemate or some other means to present at conferences, perform for community gigs or long weekend respites. All brainstorming ideas welcome!

About Humanity Hiker

Multidisciplinary STEM Academic Long Term Caregiver Multilevel Educator Long Distance Journeyer Unenlightened Philosopher
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One Response to Mess Reducing, Stress Releasing Lists

  1. Linda Peters says:

    Hi, Kirk! So glad you found at least some caregiver help. I also find written lists to be particularly therapeutic and satisfying when any (or all!) items can be crossed off. I keep pen, pencil, and paper handy in every room in the house just for such purposes. Keep smiling, singing, and playing your music. All good for the soul.

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