I’m Kirk Sinclair, aka the Humanity Hiker, now a twenty-thousand miler. On a recent 5,000 mile walk across the country I spoke to community organizations, schools and faith-based groups about the abundance of kindness, virtues of community and issues of humanity. I observed and reported on these themes as well in this blog. Here are some comments received during the journey.
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I definitely want to hear more about this.
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year!
Marty Marcus
i see you are going thru my neck of the woods. Please give me a heads up as to expected timing and then updates as you approach. I’d love to hike a section with you and turn you on to some civilized food…
Be safe, productive, and have a blast!
Best, R
Hey Rocky!
I’m in Denver on 9/24. There’s a schedule up on the resource page of the web site. Check it out and let me know what works for you.
Is that Rocky Rockwell from Bon Air, Virginia?
Greetings Pastor Marjorie,
I look forward to meeting you, perhaps tomorrow. I manually have to approve comments which is why Rocky would not have been able to reply right away if he is checking in. “Rocky” is Dave Rockwell from our home town of Norfolk, Connecticut. He now lives in Denver.
Kirk Sinclair
Best of luck to you. Maybe I’ll see you out on the road. It makes me sleep better at night to know that there are people like you out there doing good. You should wear a cape!
Nealon Hightower
author, Six Simple Truths to Fat Release
Thanks, Nealon. Between your six simple truths and my five forgotten truths we have all the bases covered.
We will watch your journey and wish you Godspeed and safe travel. It will be March before you are in our neck of the woods. Guess we’re more “outreach oriented” than “civic minded”…volunteer for the local food pantry and have been involved in a number of other outreach projects through church and school. If we can’t organize a pot luck, we will see that you get fed when you come through (although I know you like a group to talk to…you might have to settle for 2.)
Thank you, Sharon. See you down the road.
Hope you enjoyed the potluck last night. We liked the talk and will look forward to tracking your progress across the country. Hope you find a route through the Dolores Triangle that has some water. Let me know if you need a cache.
Thanks, Dave … for everything! You made Moab a special stay for us! After talking to the BLM I’m leaning towards the Dewey route again. I’ll give a call before we leave.
read about your journey this morning and happened to pass you as you were heading into the cisco desert.wanted to chat but had a van load of guests heading down the river.I figured at your pace youd be in the town of cisco between 12 or 1.didnt see you in the only shade that stretch had to offer.It was meant to be that i ran into you on the way back to moab.I appreciate the way you two chose to bring awareness.keep the faith!DRE HOMELESS N MOAB
Thanks Dre. The support of folks like you inspire us on. Many, many thanks for that ice water in the Cisco desert. I’ll do what I can to pay it forward.
We just had Kirk on campus and he was fantastic. His sense of humor and stories made this a great event. His message is a critical one and something we work with students on all the time. He is truly an inspiration and I hope he is able to continue sharing his stories with other college students across the country!
Really enjoyed having you all stay with us in Pueblo West – hearing about your adventures and your passion. Thank you for speaking to my group at church. We all appreciated your message, fit right in with what we are working on! Be safe! (Cindy, don’t put too many rocks in your pack) Wishing you many potlucks on your journey.
Thanks, Laura, what a treat it was staying with you!
It is so cool!! Here is a film about people traveling around the country and staying at strangers’ houses. It is a film based on the kindness from strangers. Here is the trailer http://americanbearfilm.com/ Hope you will enjoy it.
I hope you are not buried in the snow, and have a warm place to stay! As I remember from my childhood, snow out there on the plains roars horizontally and then drops in blinding drifts! Take care you three! We miss you and want you back home healthy and whole. Hope you have a splendid Christmas! Give my love to the heartland! Nancy Eckel
Thanks, Nancy. We have not had to deal with much snow since leaving the mountains of Colorado. Merry Christmas to you and the rest of the gang.
My friend Kye sent me a Christmas card about your journey
I understand that you are in Missouri. If you come through Branson please stop in for a visit. Happy holidays.
Joe and Annette Fitzgerald
Thank you for your kind offer. We only have two days left in Missouri. We’ll be at the Gateway Arch on Wednesday. Happy New Year!
It was a pleasure meeting you this morning at the Hawg N Sauce restaurant. I enjoyed talking with you and wish I could have talked with you longer. God be with you on your journey and I look forward to reading all of your blogs. It will take me a while to catch up though. Hope you enjoyed your cocoa =)
Greetings Lavon,
The pleasure was all ours! Check out the next post.
World Travelers: the Perry Central community thanks you for you insights, energy and volunteerism. I am certain that we will meet again in the future…..plan to stay a bit longer at the cabin on your next visit…..summertime= boating on the Ohio. Best wishes and stay safe my friends. Coop
Greetings Coop!
Thanks for both the opportunity to speak at your high school and the kindness you extended to us at your home. Here’s to you and your garage therapy.
How many miles did you walk before this journey
Greetings Michael,
Before this journey I hiked 15,000 miles and Cindy hiked 6,000 miles. We both hiked the Appalachian Trail (2100 miles) and the Continental Divide Trail (3000 miles). Thank you for coming to the presentation.
Kirk Sinclair, aka
The Hiking Humanitarian
And thank you u for coming out to are school to tell us abut ur all trip
Thanks for coming to henryville. It was great to meet all of you. It was fun i miss you. I will post the video of me swimming on your facebook page. Also, thanks for going to my school to speak to key club. I am in key club too.
We miss you too, Cady. Say “Hi” to your whole family for us please.
Kirk, Cindy and Ky
Hello Cindy, Ky and Kirk,
It’s so great to hear of all your good news. I am so happy that you will be seeing Chris Murphy, when you go through Washington. Keep gaining and power and strength, to help us all be transformed into better do-ers, when you you return. Best to you all, Liz
Sorry for the typos in the previous post…..but I think you understand my point. P.S. The choir and I will take a look at learning “Seasons of Love”.
Thanks for all your support, Liz. Can’t wait to sing in choir again. During this journey I’ve come to realize more what a treasure you are.
Kirk, great meeting you and your wife tonight, I wish you both the best of luck and a safe journey.
Thanks, Robert, I’m glad you overheard me. I still could not connect to your site via facebook, though with the URL provided here that should do it for me.
Oh where, oh where, have our hikers gone
oh where, oh where, can they be
I looked high and low
and I don’t know
oh where, oh where
can they be…
Just having our morning coffee just wondering about you, and wondering how you all are doing… Take care and keep warm… Dan and Lin
Greetings Lin,
So you have a poetic inclination as well! We could be getting as far as Dan’s cabin today but it’s not definite, and tomorrow we’ll be in the midst of the Shawnee National Forest.
Hello Kirk, Cindy, and Ky,
We just wanted to say Hi, thinking about you and wondering how you have been… Did my scarfs come in handy and is the angle on the dash board?
Dan went to West Union last Saturday, and looked at several church’s for the camper. Then He went to his camp and follow the Buck Eye Trail for a while and then up to Blue Creek to look for you. Sorry I missed you and keep in touch.
Keep warm
Dan and Lin
Greetings Lin,
There was one day when we should have had the scarfs, but otherwise we’ve been shedding clothes. I believe Ky was parked by a pastor’s home on Saturday. We were up in an area called the Little Smokies, east of your cabin. Sorry there was no connection. We are up by Sinking Spring now. Be well.
we have seen alot of different people in our lifetime,and its nice to see people like you standing up for mankind.We enjoyed your presence at Shawnee.The name of game was “House Rules”.We will always your smiles,always look up and reach for the stars,when you get one share it!(We know you will)God Be With You Always,Friends Forever.The Scheffler Family!
Thank you for your kind support. We’ll keep in touch with you … and next time we’ll ask to join in the game!
Just wanted to say good luck! I met the lady who was traveling in a van following you all. She was very nice. I told her about the town of paw paw getting it’s name from a tree that bears fruit like a paw paw. Maybe you have seen some along your path! Be safe!
Thanks for checking in Tina. Ky loves to learn about the cultural and historical nuisances along the trail.
Kirk and Cindy, 4/13/2012
It was so nice to have met you on the C&O canal outside of Williamsport ,MD.
I was biking, passed you as I went up river.When I came back, got to spend a few minutes finding out your story.You gave me one of your cards and I gave you all my food in my bike pack. Came home and WOW looked up your website.I’m just amazed what you have done in the past year.
I wish the both of you good luck and safe return home.
Greetings Cathy,
Good thing you checked in, I had written your name down with a K! We will eventually catch up to the day when we met you. We ate those snacks for lunch as soon as we got to the Williamsport Visitor Center. Sorry about the music being too loud. I would have to “reshoot” the video which I’m not able to do right now.
Greetings to Kirk and Cindy!
It was wonderful meeting you down in Swains Lock the other day. Just checking in to see how everything is going on your hike and wishing you the best of travels!
Elaine and Simba
PS Cindy has an incredible singing voice! We heard a bit while we were walking around. (:
Greetings Elaine,
Thanks for checking in; it was our pleasure chatting with you. Now in regards to that singing. I sing bass for our choir mind you, but I was experimenting with composing a new song (and recording snippets). For some reason I chose a very high key and the natural feel of the song just took me higher. That was me you heard, not Cindy, though Cindy now will always remember that someone considered her singing exceptional!
Hi Kirk (aka Diggerfoot) and Cindy (wonderwoman)!
You’re almost there!
Been checking your site off and on. Just made it into Delaware I see…with Mike Hinkley to boot.
Sorry our schedule never came together to track you guys down, but hope to see you at some point and hear of all your adventures. Definitely the all-you-can-eats.
All’s well here.
-Savitt and Patsy
Greetings Savitt!
You would not have wanted to be with us in eastern Utah, three weeks of 20+ mpd hiking in 100 degree heat. There were plenty of other parts to enjoy. Believe it or not, people were giving us so much food I started declining some! Say “hi” to Patsy for us.
Kirk & Cindy,
It was a pleasure meeting the two of you today at my store in Cape may, NJ, I have met tons of crazy and interesting people in the world. BUT, the two of you, touched my heart today in a way no one else has. The two of you are very courageous, kind, and nothing short of absolutely amazing! It was great to hear about you two and your journey across America. I wish you good health and safety as you continue your journey back home to CT. It was a blessing to meet you two, what angels on Earth you guys are! I hope you enjoyed the klondike bars! xoxoxo, thanks for being awesome people…. This world needs more people like you guys!
Greetings Ashley,
What kind words! Thank you … and thanks for the Klondike Bars, our ice cream treat of choice on this journey. Maybe next time we can get them to sponsor us LOL. I’m sorry the picture I took was not focused well. We’ll have to come through again and get a better one!
By the way that was me that beeped the other day in dennisville, hope your still safe as the Lord guides you home! It’s kinda yucky out… Stay dry!
Thanks, Ashley.