Day 261 – 2/9/12 – Roger Huron

China to Friendship; Distance = 17 Miles; People Met = 3

We met Roger Huron for only about 10 minutes; that’s the problem.  We entered one store in Cross Plains looking for a restroom.  They didn’t have one, and suggested the other store up the street.  Roger overheard the conversation and said he’d walk us to that other store.  Yet instead of actually going to that store we went down an alley between the store and a house in need of renovation.

Roger Huron

Roger muttered “I think this will be open as he opened a side door and proceeded up a steep set of stairs.  Cindy and I looked at each other warily but followed.  There was indeed a bathroom up there, and little else.  Roger went first before us.  While Cindy and I took our turns we learned from Roger that in 1988 he hitchhiked from Cody, Wyoming to Palmer, Alaska in order to work at the Alaska State Fair.  He carried a violin with him and often fiddled for his supper.  That was a bold move for someone who otherwise grew up in that area and now remained there.  He also informed us that the (John) Dillinger family cemetery was nearby.

Roger offered to buy us a cup of coffee but we left as soon as we were done.  We still did not know who owned the building we entered or why Roger knew it should be unlocked and there was a bathroom that could be used up there.  In a word we felt unsure of things.  In retrospect we regret leaving Roger after his kindness of finding us a bathroom.  I felt like we were extended kindness and we were somewhat unkind in return.

That may sound peculiar to some.  Some might think that declining a cup of coffee is being polite, refusing to take advantage of someone.  We often are kind for our own sake as much as for someone else.  Roger was probably in need of company, particularly company he could speak to about his adventures.  During this journey we at times accepted water from people when we did not need any.  The water was just extra weight for us but we knew that taking it would make someone feel better.  I wish now that we had stayed and provided Roger some good company.

I’ve mentioned before that we are very ecumenical when it comes to being hosted.  Ky made our first Lutheran Church connection this evening when we stayed at the home of Ralph and Sue Campen.  Besides serving as Pastor, Ralph is a John Deer aficionado.  We spent the night in his study, which was loaded with John Deere items.

Pastor Ralph was diagnosed with esophageal cancer on the same day we started our journey, May 25.  In the interim he received radiation treatment followed by surgery.  The treatment was a success in more ways than for his health.  The relationship between pastor and parish grew tighter through the ordeal.  Pastor Ralph is still in the recovery phase and has a reduced work schedule, with the Church Council ready and willing to help out as needed.

Sue Campen, Pastor Ralph and Cindy

Other Photos

Madison Courier Photographer Ken Richie

Yo, Ken! We're over here!

Modern phone booth

The "time out" chair for the house across the street

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4 Responses to Day 261 – 2/9/12 – Roger Huron

  1. Chuck Satchwill says:

    Roger was a good friend in high school. He is an accomplished bluegrass musician. His dad taught high school science and was my biology and chemistry teacher. Outstanding family. Please give him my regards if you see him again on one of your hikes.

    • admin says:

      Greetings Chuck,
      Thanks for checking in. We saw too little of Roger I’m afraid. We may retrace our route in a car someday; perhaps we’ll run into him again then.

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