Day 094 – 8/26/11 Kannah Creek Road to Upper Kannah Creek

Distance = 16 Miles; People Met = 0

This was our first day hiking out of the desert and into the mountains.  How did we feel about this?  See for yourself.

About Humanity Hiker

Multidisciplinary STEM Academic Long Term Caregiver Multilevel Educator Long Distance Journeyer Unenlightened Philosopher
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2 Responses to Day 094 – 8/26/11 Kannah Creek Road to Upper Kannah Creek

  1. Kirk and Cindy,

    Great to see you guys are in the mountains!!!! Hope the cool weather is a welcome change;) I have put in a request for you guys at the University of Colorado at Denver. My mate there is Kyle Danforth. He is going to pass the good word along to the powers that be. His email is Maybe shoot him an email just to confirm your estimated arrival and a little about your presentation at your next wi-fi destination. I hope it works out. Also, don’t forget you’ve got a spot to crash when you make it this way. Looking at the Discovery Trail, I am poised to uncover a few more speaking opportunities in the midwest. Earlham College (Richmond, IN) and University of Cincinnati could both be possibilities. Good close connections at both. Let me know brother. Give my best to your lady and I look forward to meeting back up with you both later this month. Keep Rocking It Out!!!

    Daniel B

    • admin says:

      Wow! Great news Dan! We think of you guys often. Because of you we hiked right on to Colorado Mesa University with full packs on and things started happening. You guys were absolutely right, we should be talking to colleges. I’ll try that contact you gave; keep me posted about any others.

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