Cognitive Decline – The Triumphs

Stages of Decline Series Outline: Sixth Installment.

Once Cindy was officially diagnosed with Alzheimer’s we decided we would share our experiences on the Humanity Hiker blog.  We faced the customary trials and tribulations of people with Alzheimer’s, but determined we would live as well as we could.  That provided a few Triumphs despite our adversity.  

  • After the diagnosis we created a bucket list of things to do.
  • We agreed to use the blog to inform and inspire others to live well.
  • Friends and family joined us on our final long distance hike.
  • I learned that the secret to living well through adversity was joy.
  • Cindy became the only person awarded the Honorary Triple Crown.
  • A gathering of friends and family honored Cindy on her 56th birthday.

I was against our primary care provider informing Cindy of her official diagnosis.  I already served as Cindy’s full time caregiver, taking care of her needs without her concern, why deprive her of hope?  The primary lesson learned from our Triumphs was that knowing the diagnosis allowed us to live life fully, making the most of the challenges we faced, as well as enabling us to share that with you.

Here is a related blog post: Alzheimer’s: To Know or Not to Know

Unfortunately, as Cindy’s decline continued new challenges occurred, such as the ones in the next installment:  Physical Decline – The Trials.

The video podcast of this will be posted in a few months.  Please subscribe to be alerted to each post and video in the series, and to help generate search engine publicity.

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6 Responses to Cognitive Decline – The Triumphs

  1. Peggy says:

    Another thought for you, Kirk.
    I am an observer. This article told me that you also did not believe in Cindy knowing the doctors diagnosis. I believe in that. Fear is a powerful enemy, in such circumstances.
    You also k ow that I have been “fighting” for my own mental health. The doctors are NOT involved. They mean well, but I do believe they may be misdirected.
    Recently my memory seems non existent. So I pay attention .
    The group I have followed has been saying that “the energies are switching our DNA.”
    Saber! I don’t understand DNA.
    But what I have become very aware of, is……..
    At night I sleep in a house where the upstairs computer is always turned on, right above my bedroom. The energies I speak of are a reality. Even NAPA reports on their intensity. No one is saying anything about the effects on the human mind and body.
    However…….we all have lived with electricity. Cindy and I are very blonde, which tells me that we are what I call sensitives. She was even a nurse which takes amazing emotional sensitivity.
    Last night, actually this morning, I began to wonder if the combo of fear and electricity were the cause of Cindy’s demise. And also mine, to some extent. I have no memory, short term.,long term still exists. This is because I became fearful. I realized I had no emotional support. Cindy did and does have you. But no one was telling her that the doctors were misguided. They had proof. Yes they had proof, but I’ll bet that none of them considered the electricity aspect….and Cindy was even being tested with machines that conduct electricity.
    One step forward…….you and Cindy spent your together lives outdoors. Her exposure to the sun and what I call “energies” made her very open to whatever might be indoors. This, plus the fear factor, made her a prime target for what was considered state of the art diagnosis. I am outdoors also, most of the time. It is good for all of us, including Cindy. The difference between us, is that I fought tooth and nail with doctors. I was not going to believe their fears and techniques. I took control by myself. It has been a battle because those around me feel that I am mentally ill, still. I consider them way behind the times. They know not of what they speak. In fact, western thought is still way behind in their “knowledge”.

    I would love for you and Cindy to experiment. I am going to. I am going to set up sleeping outdoors. That will remove me from a lot of the computer generated electricity in this house. I am banking on the return of my memories, slowly, daily.
    In 1993, I lived with Dave Jack. We were both clueless. And he was supportive. That spring I was having electrical currents running up and down the sides of my body, and getting pretty freaked with nightmares. I made a decision, with no intentions, and with Dave’s support, to go visit an old friend with who I had a strong love connection. It was Dave’s idea. I was crazier than a coot from the electricity so I requested that Andy, Anneke’s you her brother, go with me. We found my friend. I spent many days and nights outdoors, sleeping under a tarp at night. No electricity anywhere. My fears disappeared and my heart felt the love of my friend, from years had not disappeared. This was an experiment without realizing what I was doing.

    So that I don’t get any more long winded, I am going to ask you to try to read between the lines, to see where I am going with this. I’ll bet that Cindy would love to live outdoors again, and you can slowly introduce the idea that the diagnosis was wrong. She has the love factor in place, god bless you. I had to go in search. Right now the love factor exists in my imagination. My friend told me early on that Love does not die, and I have believed him. He does not have to be near, because that is not in the cards. Not right now. I am a believer. So I have the love factor, by proxy. And the fear factor NEVER developed because I learned that year, to believe in myself

    As you know….I am rooting for Cindy.8 always have been. I would be very curious if you and she might reverse the propensity for memory loss. And now again I will give you kudos. I believe that you will try anything…..and this is right up your alley. You are ready for another project, now that your symphony is finished……yes?

    I have another approach or suggestion to consider. Remember in the 60’s the hippies were talking of “The Body Electric”? Did they know something? I think that it is known that our brains are electric. What has not been known is what was going to happen as the “energies” and photons and the solar flares and all the other stuff that we are being bombarded with, amped up. I am suggesting that our brains did not get rewired quickly enough for Cindy and me, to be able to channel the electricity. Plus she was fed the fear factor.

    I am fine, except for my memory. I will start my experiment of living outdoors away from the maddening electric currents.

    • admin says:

      You are making diagnoses without directly observing Cindy. I know you mean well, but for me to take anyone’s advice seriously they would have to actually spend time with Cindy and observe what is going on for awhile in order to see if their assumptions about her are true.

      Keep the well wishes coming, but I respectfully ask that you observe Cindy directly for awhile before continuing to offer advice.

      • Peggy says:

        Yes Kirk. I know that I have no right to offer advice. It just comes out and I am sorry. I did think about offering to come and help, but I am more a dreamer than a helper. That has been a downfall of mine.
        However, if I ever ever come that way, and feel I have the strength I would like to come and be there with her.

        • admin says:

          I look forward to seeing you when you visit.

          • Peggy says:

            Are you sure???
            I hope to visit Andy soon.
            I will let you know.
            And I promise to not be on a rant of healing thoughts.
            They seem to have dropped by the wayside.
            I May now be close to normal.
            I do however believe in my theories.
            I just forget what they were

  2. Peggy says:

    Sorry for the typos

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