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Distance > 18 Miles; People Met = 0 The highlight of the day was getting to Cooper Summit (really a pass) in time for a break and to cheer Brian Starks on as he came over the pass during his … Continue reading
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Distance > 18 Miles; People Met = 0 The highlight of the day was getting to Cooper Summit (really a pass) in time for a break and to cheer Brian Starks on as he came over the pass during his … Continue reading
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Distance > 13 Miles; People Met = 3 Barrett started hiking with us today, which keeps a fine tradition going. “Back in the day” I organized long distance expeditions, groups of people forming a community guided by the journey along … Continue reading
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Distance = 0 Miles; People Met = 1 The emphasis during our humanitarian hike is more on the humanitarian than the hiking. Along that vein I’m changing the elevation stats previously reported to people met. Besides, keeping track of people … Continue reading
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Distance = 28.1 Miles; Elevation Change > 430 Feet Lo Elevation = 3914; Hi Elevation = 4257 Right from the start there were three apparent problems for this day that resolved themselves with the meeting of two trail angels, the … Continue reading
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Distance = 2 Miles; Elevation Change > 650 Feet Lo Elevation = 989; Hi Elevation = 1319 During our tough day yesterday we fortuitously ran into Carlos de la Fuente, who invited us to come to his home when we … Continue reading
The night before I had a good talk with Gordon about some of the problems our country faces with civic involvement and that helped me prepare for the talk at the Lions Club luncheon. There were about ten Lions there … Continue reading
Distance = 12.5 Miles; Elevation Change > 85 Feet Lo Elevation = 0; Hi Elevation = 26 We got an early start to the day as we wanted to leave our campsite by the abandoned rail bed as soon as … Continue reading
There is just too much to write about Locke to do it justice in one small blog post. They were supposed to have a traditional chili cook-off that was cancelled due to rain. That did not stop Dan Beghin from … Continue reading
Distance = 8.5 Miles; Elevation Change > 200 feet Lo Elevation = 0; Hi Elevation = 215 After three of us slept in the same minivan together the night before, Ky found a place for us to stay within Antioch. … Continue reading
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Before the journey started I was contacted by Marcia Powers, part of the wife and husband team that were the first people to achieve the Grand Slam, which is the Triple Crown plus the American Discovery Trail. In other words, … Continue reading