Calm the Mind

I am kicking off a Calm the Mind campaign for Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness month. The purpose of the campaign is to help you manage stress and to raise funds for an accessible walk-in shower for Cindy. The following video provides details.

The transcript for this video is included below.

The posts for the next few days will be particularly poignant ones. Here’s the line-up:

Give Me Some Sugar
Tuft of Flowers
Motorcycle Mama
Family Embedded in a Community

Please share this campaign with at least five of your friends and loved ones, as well as any posts you find meaningful. We need 2500 people to purchase “Humility, Faith, Courage” from CD Baby for 99 cents to meet our goal. You can use the Donate button to the right of this post to donate extra.

“Hello! I’m Kirk, Humanity Hiker blogger, singer/songwriter for The Bards of Balance and, most importantly, the husband of a wonderful woman afflicted with early onset Alzheimer’s. As her full time caregiver my goal is to provide my wife Cindy with the highest quality of life until she passes away at home. I am starting a crowdfunding campaign to provide her a custom built walk-in shower stall; currently not possible with our limited, fixed income.

In keeping with Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, this campaign seeks to calm the mind as well. We live in a stressful society and stress erodes brain health. This Calm the Mind Campaign provides a strategy for managing stress in our daily lives in addition to raising funds for a walk-in shower stall.

I am making available on CD Baby a limited release of “Humility, Faith, Courage,” by The Bards of Balance. This soothing instrumental has the calming effect of eastern music, yet with the distinctly western sound of an acoustic folk rock band. One of our international fans commented about “Humility, Faith, Courage:”

“Wonderful! Indeed great stuff. I like this kind of music; it is a relaxer and (provides) pensive moments of reflection.”

Play the song, close your eyes and listen. Be mindful of the title; use the words humility, faith and courage to conjure an image while you listen and you will find your mind being calmed. Then for 99 cents you can download the song from CD Baby to use whenever you need to calm your mind but have only a few minutes available. Share this Calm the Mind Campaign with at least five friends who need to calm their minds as well … or would be willing to help provide assistance to someone with early onset Alzheimer’s. Either cause is well worth the 99 cents.

What happens if sales of “Humility, Faith, Courage” go viral as people find out how well it calms the mind? (A fella’ can dream). Excess funds from the CD Baby sales will be applied to spending down debt acquired as a 24/7 caregiver living on a fixed income. After that, additional income would be used as seed money for the Cindy Foundation, which will raise funds and awareness for quality of life links to brain health, such as calming the mind.

Read about my recent journeys with Cindy on the Humanity Hiker blog. Subscribe to the blog to be alerted about posts about brain health or caregiving; notified about future releases from The Bards of Balance; or to receive a free copy of my future eBook Going the Distance: A Guide to Brain Health and Caregiving.

Now enjoy this tribute to Cindy as a thank you for your support. In the words of Frasier Crane, I wish you all good mental health.”


About Humanity Hiker

Multidisciplinary STEM Academic Long Term Caregiver Multilevel Educator Long Distance Journeyer Unenlightened Philosopher
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