Brain Dysfunction Symptoms – Balance

Loss of balance was not an early symptom discovered with Cindy, but it could have been. There is a correlation between how long you can balance on one leg and healthy cognitive function. If you cannot balance for 30 seconds or more on each of your legs, that is a sign of cognitive dysfunction and perhaps dementia.

balanceWhen I first read the research on this I tested myself. I could balance on my right leg like a flamingo. I managed to balance more than 30 seconds on my left leg, but I was teetering all the while. I tried this again recently, after a few months of following a healthy diet. My left remained a little more challenging than my right, but I could maintain continued balance without difficulty. The brain health diet has lowered my blood pressure and increased my balance.

In early August of last year Cindy and I were doing a road walk around a closed, burned out section of trail. Us old farts hiked 25 miles in 8 hours, with me pushing to keep up with Cindy. A couple weeks later we were in the challenging North Cascades and difficulties from Cindy’s lack of balance sometimes slowed us down to about a mile an hour.

I don’t know when Cindy would have failed the balance test, but I wish I knew about it long ago. This could be an early warning that steers you to better brain health.

About Humanity Hiker

Multidisciplinary STEM Academic Long Term Caregiver Multilevel Educator Long Distance Journeyer Unenlightened Philosopher
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2 Responses to Brain Dysfunction Symptoms – Balance

  1. Shelley says:

    I wonder how many people read this balanced on one foot (like me)!

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