Being active takes different forms. Much of being social requires being active, and we all know the importance of exercise. As for that, this year I resumed regular stair workouts this year. With the expanded coverage I had for 2023 I got outside more in winter and exercised only on those days. The result was weighing the heaviest ever going into summer and now going into 2024 as well. As tedious as they may be, the stair workouts should remedy that.
Finger dexterity requires the most brain power of any physical activity. Early on in my Google Alert feeds for brain health research repeatedly reported on the brain health of people who knit. Knitting is not my thing, but music is. Lately research has resurfaced once again confirming the correlations into old age between both singing and playing an instrument with vibrant brain function.
Practicing and playing guitar in Cindy’s presence has long been part of my routine and will continue. What about you? Do you draw? Sculpt? Knit? Quilt? play an instrument? Choose any old or new activity requiring finger dexterity to incorporate into your daily routine.
Research indicates that learning new software, even video games, contributes to brain health. I need to learn intricate video editing software in order to achieve my goal of providing video podcasts on this blog’s content. The results will be staying mentally active for me and better entertainment for followers. I may need the whole year to get the necessary training in, but a routine should develop that allows me to post videos regularly once I do.
The benefits to my brain health from creating video podcasts will substitute for the benefits that composing a symphony previously provided. Had I been able to satisfy my travel ambitions by now I would be learning new languages, revealed to be a particularly effective mental activity. What about you? Choose something new to learn befitting your own nature and situation.
I also am engaged in a mental activity that may take 10-20 more years to complete, a series of essays called “Unenlightened Wisdom.” The essays will be compiled into five collections and additionally feature cartoons by the award-winning cartoonist of “Speed Bump,” Dave Coverly. By the end of this year I hope to complete the first collection that focuses on brain health and will provide a few advanced excerpts on this blog. Those who subscribe to the blog will be sent the introductory essay for the collections when it is ready for the public.
I view the “Unenlightened Wisdom” essays as my life’s work, drawn from my unique combination of extensive experiences as a caregiver, long distance journeyer and academic. They give me purpose, a most important activity for remaining vibrant as we age. What about you? Engage in a vocation, projects or hobbies that provide stimulating purpose to your life.
This covers being active with the mind and body. An active soul depends in large measure upon being positive, the next topic in this series. Please like and subscribe if you find this content worthy.

Loved this piece. Very helpful to me and things I might do to continue to “be” young. I found that many of these things I already do, but I might do them more or more intensely. You and your family are always in my prayers.
Good to hear from you! Another activity I am undertaking is cooking. I’ve started with recipes Cindy marked as good. Next up will be recipes given to us by a certain church community in Grand Pass, Missouri = Treasures from Heaven.